Monday, August 31, 2009

23 days and counting

My flight for Spain leaves on September 23. That gives me 23 days to figure out everything I need, prepare myself for this adventure, and pack. This afternoon I was the only one home so I got a few things done. Well, some of them were done yesterday/a few days ago, but its the same idea.

1. I moved everything from my HP laptop to my external hard drive so that I can take my laptop in to Best Buy and get the hard drive cleared off so that I can sell it on Amazon, Cragslist, Ebay, etc. If you are interested in buying it, let me know!!

2. I mailed the text book that someone bought from me on Amazon. I only got $10 commission for that one, but hey, it's $10 more than I had before!

3. Informed my employer that I will not be here for fall and filled out my leave of absence form for F21 so that I can return in the winter (hey, I'm gonna need money then too!)

4. Looked up flight prices for travel to visit Katelin in Texas in February or March ($100 on Southwest!!)

5. Made a packing list for Spain. It is pasted at the bottom of this post. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read through this and let me know if I am forgetting something (or just say "list looks good" if you can't come up with something else). It would definitely be bad if I forgot something. Please do that for me, it would be a HUGE help.

6. This isn't something that I've done, but I need to post the free printer and free iPod touch I got with my MacBook on Amazon or EBay. Once again, please let me know if you are interested in buying those things and how much you're willing to pay. Printer: $100 value. iPod touch: $250 value

Spain Packing List

•Sleep Shirts
•Sleep Shorts
oWalking shoes
oFlip flops

•Canon Rebel
•Small digital canon
•Camera chargers and cords
•Plug adapters
•Laptop charger
•External hard drive
•Nail polish
•Razor and extra blades
•Blow dryer
•iPod and charger
•Cell phone charger (just in case)
•Travel journal
•Guide Books
•Contact solution
•Eye drops
•Copy of passport

•Text Books
•Note cards
•Note book(s) – 5 star

•Head rest

TO BRING OR TO BUY (when I get to Spain)?
•Razor blades
•Face wash
•Body wash


Unknown said...


Rachel said...

i was thinking i'd be able to buy one there... but i guess i should bring one just incase i need it for traveling

Rachel said...

i added it to the list though. thanks ashley!!!

Anonymous said...

definitly buy that last section of stuff once you get to spain - its less stuff you have to pack and will give you more room for other stuff. maybe even buy some school stuff there too??

and also my dear, i know it will be tough but i'm going to say shoe-wise that you should take a majority of walking shoes and limit yourself to ONE pair or heels that will go with many outfits and ONE pair of boots. i know it will be difficult, but you can do it! hahaha

welp, those are my thoughts. love you <3

Rachel said...

how bout two pairs of heels and two pairs of boots?? is that allowed? haha

Anonymous said...

fiiiine i guess two pairs of each lol